viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

My Dentistry Webs

Hi again! Now I will write about my favourites websites relationed with my career, Dentistry.
First of all, there are many webs about it, but there are 2 interest for me.

Here I show de website image, in there are many articles about actual odontology, notes about new stuff and class. The website is very friendly, easy to use, find, download etc, many archives writed by student of different universities. This website start with a little group of Universidad Mayor  students and then popularized to all odontology´s students. Because of that the site grew up very fast. There´s no count to open and password required, it´s totally free. There and option to share informaton, uploading to the net.

The second website is, another web from de Universidad Mayor  ¬¬, there you will find everything about interesting clinical cases. The presentation is very simple and friendly, the contents always got a few photos about it.. In the end of the information there are test to answer and check about your learning and questions.

Finally I want to call to form a website development with odontology´s student of Universidad de Chile, in the future make the best dentistry´website.

Check them, See you!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! Rodrigo I wish that you have a funny weekend with your family, well I have have to say you that really don´t like me your post because you are highlight a website of UMAYOR.

    I'm very sleepy now in other moment I'll finish mi post.

    see you

  2. Interesting site and comments Rodrigo and I agree with you that the University should have its own websit. May be you or a group of students together with teachers or researchers, could work on it.

    There are some words which are missused although the message is understood anyhow.Not big mistakes though.May be you could check them before using...

    Ms Jenny
